Custom Woodworking by David Naso – Iowa City

David Naso of Iowa City builds custom wood furniture using hand picked specialty woods. This bio is excerpted from his website.

Since 1980 my passion has been providing fine furniture for businesses, homes and places of worship. During these many years I have tried to emphasize three elements. The first is to have reverance for the trees that provide the lumber. By that I mean to carefully select all of the boards that go into a piece and by doing so giving it a sense of the living energy and beauty of that tree. To enhance this process I have been milling much of the lumber that I use. The second is to use traditional types of joinery that have withstood the test of time. I like exposing the joinery and believe it adds to the beauty and uniqueness of a piece. The third element is to encourage my patrons to get involved in the design process of the objects that will surround them. For those who do not wish to enter into this process, some the pieces featured in my portfolio, which represent past patron enthusiasm, may inspire you.

The pieces I build evolve from the first creative spark, to the choice of lumber. Every detail has equal importance in developing an integrated whole. In this way, most of the things I build are one of a kind. The creation of fine furniture is a continuously evolving journey toward perfection.

I have been fortunate to work on some very interesting projects with very interesting people. What I enjoy most is getting to know my customers and delivering a beautiful piece of furniture that combines aesthetics and function.

Over the past years I have had many great projects:

  • Traveling to Morocco to work on a yearlong project designing furnishings for a 20,000 sq. ft. palace, collaborating with local artisans, and struggling to communicate in Arabic.
  • Furnishing the University of Iowa President’s Conference Room with pieces constructed from the Pentacrest trees that fell in the storm of 1997.
  • Designing & building a bed and headboard depiction of Grant Wood’s Harvest Time, made of tiger striped maple, cherry, poplar & wenge woods.
  • Constructing Buddhist monastery altar furniture pieces made of walnut harvested from the temple’s Land.
  • Building all of the altar and sacramental furniture for a church in the Chicago area
  • Working with one Iowa City homeowner over the past 23 years to fill her home with my furniture designs.

Please browse my portfolio and contact me to start building your piece of fine furniture. [More…]


By Greg Johnson

Greg Johnson is a freelance writer in Iowa City and also the founder and Director of the website. He also manages and many other topic specific websites. Learn more at