Mormon Message – Church Video Promotion – Personal Profiles of Mormons – Example of Effective Marketing


The Mormon Church recently launched a new promotional video campaign that conveys the diversity and individuality among its members. These videos and others are featured on the Mormon Message YouTube channel. The series is a good example of effective advertising.


Advertising is like a good book, and to be effective, it needs to capture the viewer immediately from the beginning to compete with other sources vying for attention. These videos are well done, and should effectively convey a positive portrayal of everyday Mormons to help address any public image of Mormons being extremely religious, sectarian, or unrelatable. The videos are fun and inviting.


The format of the videos is for each person to describe who they are and what they do, without really mentioning religion until the very end when they conclude the video with the statement “… and I’m a mormon.”


You can imagine these videos being part of any promotional campaign for a product, service, company, cause, or organization. The template is exceptional. Step #1: Find interesting people. Step #2: Make very high quality colorful videos of each person telling their story. Step #3: Conclude the video with the person endorsing whatever it is  you’re trying to promote. These videos could have just as easily concluded with “… and I wear Nike” or “… and I use an Apple computer.”


The Mormon Church has long had a strong web-presence with the and websites. The website offers expanded profiles of Mormons with inspiring stories about everyday people. Below are sample videos from the campaign.

Document History

This document was first posted on 5 Jun 2011 at 7:06 PM. It was updated on 19 Jul 2020 at 7:00 PM to conform to the new WordPress block editor format. One of the videos was no longer available on YouTube so it was removed from the above collection. The page featured header image was set to “Advertising” as the primary theme for the post.

By Greg Johnson

Greg Johnson is a freelance writer in Iowa City and also the founder and Director of the website. He also manages and many other topic specific websites. Learn more at