Small House Society News 201002

Small House Society – News 201002 | 28 February 2010 | Sunday

Dear Friend of Small, Simple, and Sustainable Living,

Gregory Johnson - photo by Makur Jain

I know that time is precious for everyone, so I’ll try to keep this update short. The approximate reading time is about 3 minutes. Feel free to reduce your reading time even more by skipping over topics that don’t interest you.

Annual Membership Dues. We’re now two months into the new year, and many of you have already renewed your membership for 2010 at the $5 level. If you’ve not done so already, please consider visiting our Membership Page and contributing to our work for the coming year. Thanks!

Plans for 2010. In 2010 the Small House Society is slated to become leaner and more focused on accomplishing even more for smaller and simpler living. Our primary goal is to support the four categories of people who help define and expand the Small House Movement:

  • Journalists and Media. Journalists and members of the media who help spread the word about smaller and simpler living. We provide prompt responses to requests for information and interviews.
  • Designers and Builders. Visionary designers and builders of small homes create enjoyable small spaces as habitats for joyfully and abundantly living small. We plan to continue supporting them and promote their work. While some websites charge $400 or more for advertising space, we offer qualified designers and builders premium listings on our site for free. The $5 annual membership fee is optional.
  • Bloggers and Writers. Bloggers and writers help create local and personalized stories of smaller and simpler living. Through promoting blogs and providing technical assistance, we hope to help people launch more websites this year sharing stories of successfully living small. We also help promote books about smaller and simpler living. Publishers regularly send us review copies of books and we write reviews and promote the books free of charge. While some websites charge $400 or more for advertising space, we offer bloggers and writers premium listings on our site for free. The $5 annual membership fee is optional.
  • Small Housers. The people who are actually living in small homes are at the center of what the movement is about. Through one-on-one consultations and online resources, we’re continually looking for ways to help and support people who are making the change to small living. We hope the resources on our site will continue to inspire and equip people for smaller living.

If you belong in any of the above mentioned groups, we’re here to serve you.

Thanks. I want to thank the global team of volunteers and contributors “behind the scenes” who help make all this possible. I’m very grateful to the many people who continue to uphold and advance the mission of the Small House Society. Thanks again for your support. Please let me know if there is any way that the Small House Society can serve you better.

Gregory Johnson, Facilitator
Small House Society

E-Mail: shs @ (without spaces)
Postal: c/o Resources for Life, PO Box 2717, Iowa City, IA 52244-2717
Phone: (319) 621-4911

By Greg Johnson

Greg Johnson is a freelance writer in Iowa City and also the founder and Director of the website. He also manages and many other topic specific websites. Learn more at