POLITICS – Meet John James of Michigan Running for U.S. Senate


John James of Michigan is running for U.S. Senate. Below you’ll find his latest campaign ad that was released today. He’s new to politics, and as of June 2018, his opponent, a multi-term incumbent, has outspent him by 300% and his opponent still has $6.2 million cash on hand compared to the $868K on hand for the John James campaign.

Conservative Republicans are often portrayed as wealthy CEOs who exploit workers and destroy the environment, or ‘deplorables’ and rural bumpkins who are straight out of central casting for Duck Dynasty. So, for this reason John James is interesting because he doesn’t fit the stereotype and he represents the coming wave of Republicans that Democratic Party candidates will be running against, which suggests they may need to retool and reboot.

Democratic candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez won against a 19-year incumbent who outspent her by 18 to 1. John James seems to have a similar energy and appeal among conservatives. In a year when underdogs are winning, it’s likely that John James can win a victory in November. Learn more at JohnJamesForSenate.com.


Here are some quotes from John James excerpted from a BuzzFeed article on 28 Sep 2018:

“I believe that, as a black man in this country, there are more things that unite me with my brothers and sisters — of all races, genders, ethnicities, sexual orientations — than divide us. And I’m looking forward to focusing on those things, rather than the things that divide us.”

“I’m not going to fit neatly into anybody’s little red or little blue box.”

“There is a divisive element in this country that’s seeking to pull us apart and we have an obligation to make sure we wrap our arms around all Michiganders, all Americans, regardless of what we look like or our political affiliation, and lead effectively.”


Below are campaign videos from James’ YouTube channel.

“Ready to Serve”

“I’m Running”

“A Passion For Service”

“John James on To The Point” (WOOD TV 8 – Grand Rapids)

By Greg Johnson

Greg Johnson is a freelance writer in Iowa City and also the founder and Director of the ResourcesForLife.com website. He also manages IowaCityWebDesignArtist.com and many other topic specific websites. Learn more at AboutGregJohnson.com

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