Marilyn Farms of Kalona Iowa – Local Organic Farming Market and Cafe
Local organic farming is good for the environment, helps create jobs, builds community, fosters local economy, and promotes a culture of eating delicious nutritious fresh foods. This is why we promote, support, and buy from local organic farms in our area — like Marilyn Farms.
Marilyn Farms of Kalona Iowa is a family run farm, market, and cafe. Below are videos about Marilyn Farms, and you can learn more by visiting the website.
Marilyn Farms Update w/ Zach McFerrin (7 Nov 2017)
Marilyn Farms Essential Multi Packs (15 Sep 2017)
Marilyn Farms Cafe and Market w/ Samantha Johnson (20 Jun 2017)
2016 Labor Day Celebration at Marilyn Farms (29 Aug 2016)
Marilyn Farms Presents: Isabel’s Fun Facts (10 May 2016)
Marilyn Farms 2016 Update w/ Phil & Marjorie Forbes (4 May 2016)
Marilyn Farms Product Update with Marjorie Forbes (14 Nov 2015)
An Introduction to Marilyn Farms with Phil Forbes (4 Nov 2014)
By Greg Johnson
Greg Johnson is a freelance writer in Iowa City and also the founder and Director of the website. He also manages and many other topic specific websites. Learn more at