Optimism, Purpose, Transcendence

“Generate positive energy and channel stress-induced negative energy to positive uses. Respect diversity – it enriches our ability to achieve our mission successfully. Generate the high level of positive energy needed to let go of old ideas and old ways of doing things and to develop new and better ones. Coach and support others to achieve their individual success according to their own definition of success. Assess changing realities and amend ideas as necessary. Describe a winning future. Control your emotions to increase your control of the situation. Look for opportunity. If an opportunity is not immediately apparent, keep on looking. If you can’t find opportunity – create it. Take personal responsibility for managing change. Exhibit cool headed thinking, a clear focus, and well aimed action. Demonstrate self directed behavior. Look for ways to save time, money, and effort without sacrificing high standards. Give yourself permission to be a pioneer, to explore, to go forward without guarantees, and without a road map. Make no compromise in personal ethics, the caliber of your output or your overall productivity. Size up the current situation as it really is, not as it used to be or as you would like it to be. Build the case for structural/organizational change in order to reach individual and organizational outcomes. Face the hard facts and make the tough calls. Give yourself time to get a broader range of view of the situation. Deliberately choose to be positive, optimistic, and enthusiastic. Recognize bureaucratic practices that get in the way and take actions to change them. Do not tolerate mediocre performance in oneself or anyone else. Think in terms of possibilities rather than limits. Take personal responsibility for solving problems. Don’t gamble, but have a willingness to take educated risks. Learn from mistakes – admit them, fix them, and move on. Make a conscious effort to establish new partnerships and to increase the quality of established partnerships. Pursue the truth and help share it with others. Be willing to admit mistakes and show vulnerability in order to serve as an effective role model for others.” – Adapted from a job description posted by Systems Unlimited of Iowa. Based upon the organization’s core values. (20030822fr)

By Greg Johnson

Greg Johnson is a freelance writer in Iowa City and also the founder and Director of the ResourcesForLife.com website. He also manages IowaCityWebDesignArtist.com and many other topic specific websites. Learn more at AboutGregJohnson.com