In April 2019 we began receiving incorrectly addressed emails from people seeking support for various areas of life. So, we’ve created this page to provide more information about the confusion created by a third party unaffiliated with us.
If you’re reading this page, it’s probably because we informed you that your email message requesting support was sent to us by accident.
An organization offering work-life balance counseling and other employee services has a website name similar to ours. Their site is which redirects to a login page on the website (which does not have a home page). So if you’ve written an email to “support” using our website address, you probably intended to write
If you attempt to research who owns the website, you’ll discover that the ownership is unlisted. So, it’s not possible to know the owner of that domain. The Advantage Engagement website is listed as being owned by Workplace Options in North Carolina. So, if you’ve come to our site seeking counseling, you probably need to contact Workplace Options instead. Click on the logo or home page shown below to visit their site.
NOTE: We (Resources For Life) are not affiliated with Workplace Options or Resources For Your Life.