The Gender Continuum Matrix and the Cultural Shift Towards Gender Transcendence


20091008th-woman-man-icons-blue-whiteSummary. This document considers the Gender Continuum Matrix as an indicator of social gender complexity and the cultural shift toward gender transcendence in society.

Gender Continuum Matrix. The gender continuum matrix is a simple evaluative tool for examining gender relationships in society. Generally speaking, most people have measurable physical and emotional gender traits. Gender aware people are attracted to identifiable traits that can be assigned a value based on traditional gender roles and characteristics. There are an infinite multiplicity of possible combinations. Here is the basic overview and self assessment. Rank yourself based on the following questions, assuming they are applicable.


  1. Physical. Assuming traditional gender traits, rate your physical body characteristics on a scale from 1 to 10 where 1 is masculine and 10 is feminine. A stocky more muscular body with fewer curves would be a 1. A curvy feminine body with pronounced feminine features would be a 10.
  2. Emotional. Regardless of your physical appearance, with traditional gender traits in mind, rate your emotions, sensitivity, interests, and communications on a scale from 1 to 10 where 1 is masculine and 10 is feminine. A high interest in competition, NASCAR, paintball, football, hunting, and professional wrestling would be a 1. A high interest in nurturing and constructive activities cooking, sewing, shopping for clothes, and talking about relationships would be a 10.
  3. Physical Attraction. Assuming traditional physical gender traits (described above), rate your attraction to physical traits from 1 to 10 where 1 is masculine and 10 is feminine.
  4. Emotional Attraction. Assuming traditional emotional gender traits (described above), rate your attraction to emotional traits from 1 to 10 where 1 is masculine and 10 is feminine.
  5. Gender Attraction. Ignoring all of the above factors, what do you generally identify as the gender you are attracted to for purely anatomical reasons. Rate yourself from 1 to 10 where 1 is male and 10 is female.

Gender Stereotypes and Misconceptions. The Gender Continuum Matrix described above reveals the gender complexity of our society. Each person has a unique gender signature as defined by the matrix. It’s obvious that not all men who are macho are also heterosexual, and similarly not all men who are gentle, kind, and nurturing, are gay. Not all women who are masculine in appearance and mannerisms are lesbians. However, our society focuses primarily on lumping all people into four stereotypes of gender identity as described below.

  1. Heterosexual Male. A man with masculine physical and emotional traits who is attracted to women.
  2. Heterosexual Female. A woman with feminine physical and emotional traits who is attracted to men.
  3. Homosexual Male. A man with feminine behavior who is attracted to men.
  4. Homosexual Female. A woman with masculine behavior and appearance who is attracted to women.

Gender Complex Society. The above four categories are stereotypes typically portrayed in movies and television, and they are reinforced by society. However, in reality, there can be any combination of traits and attractions, such as a woman with masculine traits who is attracted to men, or a man with some feminine traits who is attracted to women.

Gender Irrelevance. Due to the gender complexity of our society, and the gender neutrality of our society. Gender is becoming irrelevant. The Gender Continuum Matrix provides a model to recognize the physical and emotional gender complexity of our society. The gender neutrality of our society can be seen in the workplace where gender does not influence a person’s ability to obtain a job or earn equal pay. In homes men and women perform mostly the same roles. In society, the clothing worn by men and women is increasingly similar. For these reasons, our society is becoming increasingly gender neutral.

Gender Transcendence Impact. The impact of gender transcendence has yet to be fully seen. One possibility will be a combination of optimal qualities unified in both genders as described in the article The Urgency of Global Feminism.

Gender Rights Equality. In the early history of the same-gender relations equality movement, the argument was put forth that those who are attracted to the same gender are born that way and genetically programmed to be that way. As such, this minority group should be afforded legal protected rights. It was on this basis that legal protection was granted. Over time, it became clear that while some people may be genetically programmed to be attracted to the same gender, others had chosen to have a same-gender relationship simply for the complexity of reasons stated above rather than a simple matter of anatomical attraction. The television character Karen Walker of the show Will & Grace is quoted as saying, “We’re all lesbians when the right guy isn’t around.” While this statement doesn’t represent the broad opinion and experience of all lesbians, it certainly reflects a truth that some woman who have a natural innate desire for love, affection, and intimacy, who were unable to find kind, gentle, caring, and emotionally mature men, turned to relationships with women who do have those qualities.

By Greg Johnson

Greg Johnson is a freelance writer in Iowa City and also the founder and Director of the website. He also manages and many other topic specific websites. Learn more at