Holistic Living System

Effective Living

The Holistic Living System is a holistic approach to living Seven Areas of Life to their fullest. The entire Resources for Life website is dedicated to holistic living. This includes the Schedule for Life which is a thoughtful prioritized approach to accomplishing goals for overall wellness and balance.

Small, Simple, Sustainable. The Holistic Living System is designed to be compatible with small, simple, and sustainable living. It has been optimized for compatibility with off-the-grid cottage living (see theMobile Hermitage for an example).

History. The Holistic Living System is a life management system that has been in development for years and written about regularly in the Resources for Life Newsletters. Originally called the Life Management System, the name was ultimately changed to something more meaningful.

Getting Started. To begin understanding the Holistic Living System, visit the Resources for Life Map Page.

Note: The phrase “Holistic Living System” and the www.HolisticLivingSystem.com domain name are intellectual property developed by Resources for Life.com and protected by the copyright guidelines indicated below, which ensures that this information remains within the creative commons for education and public use for the benefit of all – rather than for private ownership and profit.